Get Your Shave Ice Business Started With The Best Snow: Cube Ice VS Block Ice

If you are new to the shave ice business your mind is probably swirling with more than just flavor combos! You might be thinking about the best location for your venue, witty brand names, and types of shave ice machines among other businessey details. One key ingredient will get you started on your way toward shave ice success, the ice! Here is the scoop on the difference between cube ice and block ice.
Cube ice is exactly what you are thinking, those small cubes of ice that clink against the glass in your chilled drink. Commonly used in the food industry, this bagged ice actually can be found in a variety of shapes such as crescents, half-cubes, top hats, or bullets. For the purpose of shaved ice, the cube shape is preferred.
Bagged ice is easily accessible and affordable in most areas; a local ice wholesaler can provide you detailed information pertaining to bag sizes, delivery options, and storage options. Cube ice will produce a fine, fluffy snow for your shaved ice.
Block ice as the term indicates is simply one, large block of ice. However, block ice is available in two forms as either compressed or solid. Compressed block ice is created by forcing chunks of ice into compression molds. The process of creating compressed ice results in non-smooth surfaces on the exterior of the block and pockets of air inside the block. Compression ice should never be used for shaved ice due to these imperfections because it will not produce a smooth snow. Solid block ice is created by slowly freezing a water-filled mold. The mold for solid block ice should remain at a temperature of 10-degrees Fahrenheit for approximately 2 to 3 days to result in a smooth, exterior block surface with no inside air pockets. Solid block ice produces consistently smooth snow.
Block ice, although not readily available in all areas, can be purchased in 12-pound blocks or larger from an ice wholesaler. Alternatively, you can make your own block ice by acquiring ice molds to best fit your shave ice machine.
Deciding on the type of shave ice machine that will work best for your business depends on your personal preference for your business’ style. Cube ice machines and block ice machines are equally popular within the industry. No matter which machine type you choose, Real Hawaiian Ice is your one stop shop for shave ice supplies!
Machines that shave cube ice are affordable and, since cube ice is readily available, these machines will get your business up and running quickly. The quality of snow produced by cube ice machines is comparable to that of block ice machines. In terms of functionality, cube ice machines are easy to use and very safe because they do not have exposed blades. These machines may be a good choice if you seek efficient employee training. Cube ice machines, in comparison to block ice machines, are easily portable because they weigh less. If you anticipate your business generating long lines of waiting customers, cube ice machines have a slightly higher volume output than block ice machines.
Machines that shave block ice are a more substantial investment than cube ice machines however, you are afforded the opportunity to create your own ice. Block ice machines produce consistently fluffy snow. In the grand scheme of your business, it could also be possible to save money. The ice you use, you already produce. It would not be necessary to pay an ice wholesaler (or when it’s unexpected that you run out of cube ice and need to pay extra money for ice at a local store) for ice. In terms of functionality, block ice machines require slightly more training and some caution during use due to an exposed blade. These machines are a bit larger and weigh more than cube ice machines. The volume output of block ice machines is slightly lower than that of cube ice machines as well.
Whether the cube ice shaver or block ice shaver is right for your shave ice business, we have the right ice shaver for you, always.